Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Highs And Lows

The high points of my college career thus far have been personal maturity and seeing new faces. I can not express the extent at which I was tired of seeing the same people everyday in high school. At GSU, I see new people every time I turn my head, and it is truly a breath of fresh air. Personal maturity has come from the responsibility that I have assumed by choosing to move out of my parents house into an house with my friends. The amount of self discipline that it has taken to avoid falling behind on school work has also helped me develop into a more mature young adult. 

The low points consist of work overload stress and loss of great friends. Although inevitable, losing many of my close friends to out-of-state universities has been the worst part of college. While I know that I will make many new friends, I had formed a tight circle of great friends that I trusted from years of knowing them and that is something that simply takes time. The overload of work comes strictly from my calculus 2 class, which, at times, seems to be too much for me. Whenever I feel over my head in mathematical concepts, I try to just calm down and look to YouTube for guidance. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


We all have to make transitions, mentally and physically, in our lives. The transition process from high school to college has been a huge transformation. Admittedly, I underestimated the amount of adjustment I would make to my daily life once a student at GSU, but it has all been for the better. Academics have become a much more serious aspect of my life, but balancing school with social life and work has proven to be quite a circus act. Too often I find myself operating consciously solely due to liquid energy. Too often I see my bank funds dwindle to unnervingly low levels just before my next paycheck is deposited. I am adjusting to college to the best of my abilities, but I know I have so much to learn out here on my own.